Reflections Along Life’s Journey

My blog is a personal passion, a way of capturing ideas and insights gained from my life, my experiences, and my time with clients. Each posting is me thinking aloud, sharing observations and opinions on topics that are important not just to me, but to all of us who are working on ourselves, Living, Loving, Leading, and most important Learning.

Happy browsing!
  • From Self-Talk to Shared Dialogue: How to Shape and Facilitate Conscious Conversations

    In our daily conversations, both with ourselves and with others, a multitude of factors come into play. Our inner dialogue, often referred to as “the stories we tell ourselves,” is intricately woven with our life experiences, encompassing both the positive and the negative. This internal narrative can have a profound effect on the outcome of …

  • Radical Listening

    Years after the breakup of my marriage, I discovered a startling thing. I had been a poor listener. The concept of listening as an acquired skill never crossed my mind. Talking is rampant in our society. We live in a society of talkers. We want to impress others (probably more unconsciously than not) that we …

  • Great Leadership Always Starts on the Inside

    Great leadership always starts on the inside. Do you find that becoming your best at leadership is one of the biggest and most fulfilling challenges you’ll ever face? Leadership determines the success or failure of an organization. And as a leader — aspiring or seasoned — the greatest asset you can offer your company, colleagues, …

  • Loving What Is

    Many years back, I attended Byron Katie’s 9 Day School for the Work in L.A. I read her best-selling book, Loving What Is and was so intrigued with her work that I wanted to dive deeper into her concepts. I was struggling with aspects of my life and intuitively knew this experience would help me …

  • A Healthy Divorce Can be a Choice. It was for Me.

    I originally wrote this highly personal article documenting my divorce journey from start to finish. Now, decades later, I’m hopeful that this blog writing will somehow help others by offering perhaps a new perspective or even change how they move through this challenging and life-altering experience. To be candid, I hate divorce. I don’t how …

  • The Four Agreements

    The following is an overview of Don Miguel Ruize’s book, The Four Agreements. These agreements, both individually and collectively, have the power to change every aspect of your life: Be Impeccable with Your Word. Don’t take Anything Personally. Don’t Make Assumptions. Always Do Your Best. Be Impeccable with Your Word. Speak with integrity. Say only …

  • The Hokey Pokey

    “You put your whole Self in, you put your whole Self out, you put your whole Self in, and you shake it all about. You do the hokey pokey, and you turn yourself around. That’s what it’s all about.” Do any of you recall this tune? As a teenager, I roller skated competitively, spending a …

  • This Moment Is The Perfect Teacher

    Many years ago a friend shared Pema Chödrön’s book, When Things Fall Apart – Heart Advice for Difficult Times. I was facing a significant life crossroad, and while my friend knew Chödrön’s writing would help me, she had no idea how relevant her teachings would be to me. She begins one of her earlier chapters …

  • Don’t Wish for a Better Wind. Wish for the Wisdom to Set a Better Sail

    I recall reading an article about a couple leaving everything behind and literally sailing away. They had planned this escape for 20 years. I thought about how this could happen, and two words came to mind: Intention and Plan. This couple had a clearly defined intention, backed by a concrete plan and an irrevocable decision …

  • You Really Can Teach An Older Dog (Or my Mom) New Tricks

    Paying tribute to my mom, Atlanta Georgia (yes, that is her real name), I’m sharing a glimpse of who she is and how she impacted my life. At 92, a milestone by anyone’s standards, Georgia was still driving a 4-speed Chevy truck with no power brakes or power steering. Unbelievable! I’d drive the truck during …

  • Great Love Always Starts on the Inside

    Do you find that becoming your best at love is one of the biggest and most fulfilling challenges you’ll ever face? How you love your partner can determine the success or failure of your relationship. And as a lover — aspiring or seasoned — the greatest asset you can offer them is a true understanding …

  • Men: Rethink Finding Love

    Adam Grant, author of Think Again – The Power of Knowing What You Don’t Know, encourages us to examine the critical art of rethinking. Here, I offer men insights related to finding, building, and keeping love: Insight #1: Look for a life partner. Most men don’t know what they’re looking for in a partner. Or …

  • Dating Myths, Facts, Tips

    Our lives are often guided by unfounded myths – our beliefs and what we allow others to speak into our lives. As you examine each myth, look to see how they’ve influenced decisions you’ve made in your love life. Your reflections may surprise you. Myth #1: Divorce is a failed relationship. Fact: Not necessarily. It’s …

  • Increase Your Dating ROI

    Regardless of whether you’re dating again, after a divorce, significant breakup, or becoming widowed, or, you’ve been dating for some time, here are tips to increase your return on ROI of time, effort, and energy: 1. Both men and women are visual creatures, so your outer appearance really matters. Don’t look at this as being …

  • Inspect Before You Invest

    Friends and clients who know me well will easily say that I’m an open book when it comes to sharing life lessons. The title I chose for this blog post, “Inspect Before You Invest”, came to me during a time when I was healing from a personal relationship that had ended. Since then I have …

  • Simply Be What You’re Looking For

    One Saturday evening I was having dinner with a few female friends when our conversation turned to men and love (what else is new; we women are so predictable). One friend shared that her current relationship was ending. Her comment was: “Here I thought I had finally found the right man – and now, look …